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API to order available tracking numbers

Use the Number Order API to order available tracking numbers

Use the Number Order API to order available tracking numbers from DialogTech's inventory.


Base URL for Number Order


Parameter List

ParameterRequiredAcceptsMax LengthNotesUsage
actionYesString: numbers.ordern/aOnly accepts numbers.order to order numbersDefines the API Call as "Number Order" type
access_keyYesStringn/aAccess Key from the Key Manager within a DialogTech accountCredentials used for access to the API for a particular DialogTech account
secret_access_keyYesStringn/aSecret Access Key from the Key Manager within a DialogTech accountCredentials used for access to the API for a particular DialogTech account
typeYesString: local or tollfree or true800 or canadian_localn/alocal - Order a local number
tollfree - Order a toll free number
true800 - Order a True 800 number
canadian_local - Order a Canadian Local number
Defines the type of number being ordered if available
search*Yesarea code, or area code + exchange6If searching by area code it must be 3 digits and for NpaNxx it must be 6 digits. Toll free numbers are not supported.Defines the pattern being searched for within inventory
quantityYesStringRange 0-25Default: 10Amount of phone numbers to return if available
fill_quantityYes0 or 1n/a0 - Allow a partial order
1 - Do not allow a partial order
Determines if a partial order is acceptable. If 5 numbers are requested, and only 3 are available, a 0 on this value will purchase those 3 numbers. 1 will purchase no numbers as not all 5 are available to fulfill the order.
cleansed_onlyNo0 or 1n/a0 - Acquire numbers which passed Carrier cleansing
Note: DialogTech cleansed numbers are still preferred and acquired prior to acquiring numbers from a cleansed carrier inventory

1 - Only acquire numbers which passed carrier cleansing and DialogTech cleansing Note: This will reduce the size inventory which will be reviewed to fulfill your order
Specifies if numbers which are acquired on the order only come from DialogTech's cleansed inventory rather than preferring DialogTech's cleansed inventory, and using a carrier cleansed inventory when the DialogTech inventory cannot fulfill your order.
distanceNoNumbern/aPassing 0 will cause this parameter to be ignored.Defines the distance in miles that a returned number's locality, based on zip code, can be from your original search criteria.
sms_supportedNo0 or 110 - return any phone numbers matching search criteria, regardless of SMS support (default)

1 - return only phone numbers that can be enabled for SMS
Used to limit the phone number(s) returned to only those that support SMS.

Note that phone numbers must still be explicitly registered to receive SMS messages using the SMS APIs.
order_slotNo0 or 110 - no slots will be ordered. Slot management is the responsibility of the user (default)

1 - when a number(s) order is fulfilled, a slot will be purchased for each number fulfilled.
If "1", slots will be ordered regardless if there are current slots available in the account
allow_overlayNo0 or 110 - if the requested number criteria is not available, the request will fail (default)

1 - if the requested number criteria is not available, we will request a number overlay from the carrier
This is only supported for NPA-NXX searches

Not supported for 'cleansed only' requests

*Required when type=local or when type=canadian_local

Using this API

These code examples are meant to show a basic method of accessing DialogTech's IVR Report API.

    Order Number EX:
    This example will order from DialogTech's
    inventory, 3 local numbers matching
    the area code of 555.

  // Create cURL resource
  $ch = curl_init(); 
  $baseuri = "https://secure.dialogtech.com/ibp_api.php?";

  // API Specific Static Parameters
  $action = "numbers.order";

  // Required User Parameters To Request the API
  $access_key = "foo";
  $secret_access_key = "bar";
  $type = "local";
  $search = "555";
  $quantity = "3";
  $fill_quantity = "1";

  // Construct the full URL
  $full_url = $baseuri . "&action=" . $action .
    "&access_key=" . $access_key .
    "&secret_access_key=" . $secret_access_key .
    "&type=" . $type .
    "&search=" . $search .
    "&quantity=" . $quantity .
    "&fill_quantity=" . $fill_quantity;

  // Set the URL
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $full_url);

  // Sets the return options of the cURL to return the actual result from the curl request, and FALSE on failure
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

  // Sets the $output variable to the result of the curl
  $output = curl_exec($ch);

  // Close curl resource to free up system resources

  // Echo the XML response to the page
  echo $output;
curl -X ""

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE response [
    <!ELEMENT response (result,result_description)>
    <!ELEMENT result (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT result_description (#PCDATA)>